While every effort is made to represent color accurately, every monitor is different and we cannot guarantee the colors you see match the colors of actual fabric or thread.
Original price was: $40.80.$32.64Current price is: $32.64. Each
Each collection includes eight 12wt 500m spools of the following colors: SP01 Bright Warm Red, SP02 Fun Orange, SP03 Golden Yellow, SP04 Chartreuse, SP05 Turquoise, SP06 Denim, SP07 Deep Royal Purple, SP08 Magenta (Spagetti)
Thread Usages: Longarming, hand quilting, machine quilting, longarm quilting, sashiko, embroidery, needlework, upholstery, leather work, top stitching.
Recommended Needle Sizes: Machine: 90/14, 100/16 Topstitch, Longarm 18. Hand: #7 Embroidery
1 in stock (can be backordered)
While every effort is made to represent color accurately, every monitor is different and we cannot guarantee the colors you see match the colors of actual fabric or thread.