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Original price was: $45.95.$38.14Current price is: $38.14. Each
Carrie Quinn for Marcus Fabrics
Vivienne 2.5″ Strips includes 40 2-1/2″ X 42″ strips of fabric and includes duplicates of some prints
Add this sweet and beautiful collection by designer Carrie Quinn to your next project for some timeless looks. Vivienne features thriving florals colored with sage and lilac hues paired with other traditional designs bringing together a fabulous collection for you to use!
Carrie Quinn likes to name her collections for members of her family, or other special people in her life. Her VIVIENNE collection features sage and lilac florals, and is named for her sweet little granddaughter, June Vivienne Quinn. “I thought the name Vivienne was so pretty, and perfect for my floral collection. Vivienne is a family name, as well, from June’s maternal grandmother.” Carrie describes the original Vivienne in her family as a remarkable woman who enjoyed the textile arts, earned advanced degrees, and worked as an educator and designer.
5 in stock