Peanuts Gang Christmas Skirt

In the fall of 2018, I promised each of our daughters and daughter-in-law that I’d be making them a custom Christmas tree skirt. In 2018, two of them were completed and it wasn’t until the Christmas of 2020 that I got around to completing the other two. Here’s the Peanuts Gang quilted and embroidered tree skirt made for our son’s family. I purchased the fabric in 2018 and had fussy cut many of the five-inch hexagons that same year in, thinking I’d have time to complete it. What can I say other than other projects and life got in the way.

By fall 2020 I was determined that this would be the year to finish the other two promised tree skirts. By Thanksgiving 2020, the Peanuts Gang Christmas tree skirt was done. I did stitch-in-the-ditch quilting around each hexagon and used my Brother Innov-is NS2750D sewing and embroidery machine to quilt snowflakes in the center of each hexagon (see back of tree skirt photo). I also embroidered a commemorative label and stitched it to the back.

I’ve been sewing for more than four decades but machine quilting and machine embroidering for about six years. For this project, I had to learn another new skill as this was the first time I’ve ever created and attached bias binding. It was easy to make and made going around the hexagon shapes a breeze. If you are unsure how to cut/create/attach bias binding there are many videos on YouTube explaining the process in detail.

Here are project photos and a photo of the completed skirt under their Christmas tree.